Saturday, July 14, 2012

Eight weeks ago, this Peterson family had a baby! Rosemary Ruth Jeanne Peterson was born May 18, 2012 at 8:02pm weighing 8lbs 14oz and measuring 20 1/5 inches long. 

I've been meaning to start a blog since my mother's death which was the last occasion for writing. I had a carepage for health updates as she struggled with lung cancer. After marrying my dear husband in 20011, I attempted another blog called "An Old Soul" that kind of fizzled out. So much has happened since then. It seems that there are periods in life when things are felt so intensely one either must write about them or can't at all. There are times when changes occur at such a rapid pace that there simply isn't time to write. 

Being the sort of person who usually shares everything and regrets it later, I'm surprised as I look at my diary to find that the last entry was in September of 2012 after we found out we were expecting Rosemary. I went an entire 9 1/2 months without writing! And that during one of the most emotional, physical trials a woman can endure. 

All this to say, it's time to get back in the saddle. Perhaps the problem is not having such an acute subject like my mother's battle with cancer on which to write. But here it is, a blog, like lots of others' blogs, about daily life in this family.